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Approved MINI Second to none

Discover sheer driving pleasure with MINI Next pre-owned vehicles together with a long-term warranty. Only after it has undergone extensive visual and technical inspections by our specialists does a pre-owned vehicle receive the MINI Next certificate: for 100% premium quality and uncompromising reliability. Every MINI Next pre-owned vehicle has at least 24 months’ warranty and offers a comprehensive portfolio of services and financing options. Simply get in and let yourself be inspired.

The clever.
We do standard, too. It just happens to be higher.
For us quality is not only a promise but also a principle. A pre-owned vehicle with the MINI Next certificate is at most five years old and has a maximum mileage of 120.000 km. [ It has also undergone a rigorous inspection in our 360° vehicle check.] Only vehicles that meet all the precisely defined product standards are certified. MINI Next vehicles are exclusively available from MINI Next partners, so that we can always guarantee you maximum quality. Come and see for yourself!

These MINIs have had first-class treatment.
Every MINI Next pre-owned vehicle has undergone a 360° check by our experts to ensure that it meets the highest standards. However, in addition to certified quality, a MINI Next pre-owned vehicle also offers you many additional benefits. Marvel at the comprehensive guarantee and mobility services, attractive financing models and above all: sheer driving pleasure.

Make your dream MINI……
With the versatile offers from MINI Next, we quickly find you a car that matches your very personal requirements.
Profit from our unique choice. All you have to do is contact your MINI Next partner directly or explore the new models at favourable conditions that regularly appear here.